Discipleship Resources
Scroll to find Bible Reading Plan, Weekly Sermon Discussion Questions, and Monthly Memorization Verse(s).
Daily Bible Reading Plan
Use this plan for your daily Bible reading.
Download the 2024-2025 PDF reading plan here.
Sunday, February 2 Job 1 • Romans 5
Monday, February 3 Job 2 • Romans 6
Tuesday, February 4 Job 3 • Romans 7
Wednesday, February 5 Job 4 • Romans 8
Thursday, February 6 Job 5 • Romans 9
Friday, February 7 Job 6 • Romans 10
Saturday, February 8 Job 7 • Romans 11
Sunday, February 9 Job 8 • Romans 12
Weekly Sermon Discussion Questions
1. What do you find (a) most challenging and (b) most encouraging about the story of Stephen?
2. What are some ways in which Stephen’s ministry continues the ministry that Jesus “began”
(Acts 1:1)?
3. What are some ways in which Stephen’s ministry resembles the prophetic ministries of Moses and Isaiah’s “Suffering Servant”?
4. How was Stephen falsely accused? What are the two main allegations leveled against him, and how do these allegations prepare us to understand some of the themes and emphases of his long speech in chapter 7?
5. What lessons can we learn from the example of Stephen as the first deacon and martyr of the early church? How does his story teach us to serve and bear witness to Christ?
6. What does Stephen’s story teach us about the relationship between beholding God’s glory (6:15, 7:55-56) and becoming more like Christ?
7. What might be the significance of Stephen’s name (which means “crown”) in the context of Luke’s overall, two-volume story?
Monthly Scripture Memorization:
“Now those who were scattered went about preaching the word” (Acts 8:4).
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