We love children at St. Paul’s and count it a great privilege to partner with parents in teaching children to trust and obey the Lord Jesus Christ. The Gospel writers remind us of how Jesus took children in his arms (Mark 13:16), and we want children to experience this loving embrace at St. Paul’s. It is our prayer that every child in our midst would hear and experience the Savior’s welcome, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 19:14).
Children's Ministry at St. Paul’s is characterized by:
- Love for each child as a unique image-bearer of God
- Partnership with and encouragement of parents
- Instruction that equips children to become lifelong followers of Jesus
- Involvement of children in the whole life of the church
- Promotion of intergenerational and covenantal relationships
Vacation Bible School — 2025 Dates TBD
(Birth-24 Months)
We believe that babies are gifts from God and that we must treasure and care for the babies entrusted to us in our nursery. We seek to nurture and love them as Christ would through our words, actions and attitudes. Our prayer is that your child will rest in God's presence as we create a peaceful atmosphere filled with smiling faces and loving Bible stories. Please ask for a copy of our Well Child Policy so you can be informed as to what is expected.
Sunday School
(Ages 2-Grade 5)
Our children have a great capacity to learn and understand God's Word. We employ Great Commission Publication's Show Me Jesus curriculum using a variety of learning techniques to ignite the minds and hearts of our children. This curriculum incorporates interactive Bible study, singing, relevant crafts and Bible memory with the overall objective of a well-rounded, in-depth biblical education.
Children's Church
(Ages 4-Grade 1)
We welcome children for the entire worship service. However, a specifically designed time is available halfway through the worship service for children from age four through the first grade. The Children's Church time of dismissal is noted in the bulletin on non-communion Sundays, at which time the children go to the Fellowship Hall entrance of the sanctuary to meet the Children's Church leaders there. They will walk together to the classroom located in the New Testament Hall. The children will need a parent to pick them up after the worship service.
Children's Choirs
(Ages 4-Grade 5)
Music is a wonderful way to teach children about God and His Word! At St. Paul’s, we have two children’s choirs. Our Cherub Choir is designed for children ages 4 through grade 1. Our New Song Choir is designed for children in grades 2–5. Both choirs have skilled and trustworthy leadership and meet on Sunday evenings, September through April.
Behavioral Principles and Guidelines for Children
We love children at St. Paul’s and are thrilled to have them among us. We who labor on behalf of children, youth, and their parents take our responsibility seriously and want to do all we can to nurture faith in these children and to encourage their parents. This responsibility is what has inspired and informed these principles and guidelines for behavior at St. Paul’s. Download Behavioral Guidelines
Child Protection Policy
In an effort to provide a safe environment for our children, all adults working with our children must comply with our Child Protection Policy, which includes a background check.
Questions & Answers
Where are the children’s Sunday School classes located?
We have two children’s hallways, the Old Testament (rainbow) and the New Testament (vine and branches).
Children from age four through grade 5 attend Sunday School in the New Testament hallway. We start Sunday School at 9:00 a.m. all together in room 6 as we sing praises to God and recognize birthdays. At 9:15 a.m. your children proceed to their classrooms for their lesson time with their Sunday School teachers.
For children ages two and three, their Sunday School classroom is located in the Old Testament hallway. They continue in this classroom through the worship service
Where is the nursery and preschool classroom?
You will find our nursery (birth through 24 months) and the Twos & Threes classroom in the Old Testament hallway. You will be required to sign your child in before dropping them off and again when picking them up.
Why do you baptize babies at St. Paul’s?
For this and related questions, please read “A Pastoral Letter on Children and the Sacraments.”
Do children attend worship?
Yes! Children are a very important part of our covenant family. Children’s bulletins on clipboards and colored pencils are available as you enter the sanctuary. We encourage you to help your children to sing, pray and read Scripture as they are able.
We welcome children for the entire worship service. However, a specifically designed time is provided for children ages four through the first grade in the New Testament Hall. If you would like for your children to participate, they are dismissed to the Children’s Church leaders at the Fellowship Hall entrance of the Sanctuary partway through the worship service and are taken to the Children’s Church room (room 2) in the New Testament hallway where they can be picked up after the worship service.
Are children allowed to participate in the Lord’s Supper at St. Paul’s?
For this and related question, please see “A Pastoral Letter on Children and the Sacraments.”
After class, may my child meet me in the Sanctuary, Fellowship Hall, etc?
All children from birth through grade 3 must be picked up by their parent or guardian. Fourth and fifth graders will be dismissed to find their families.
Who is allowed to work with children?
At St. Paul’s only staff and volunteers (we like to call them ministry partners) who have completed the appropriate forms and passed a background check for Criminal History and Sexual Offender information can work with children. Parents are welcome to sit in any class at any time.
What kind of snacks will my child be served?
All of our standard snacks (Goldfish, Cheez-its, Cheerios, Teddy Grahams, Scooby Snacks) for Sunday School and worship time are peanut-free. They are served with water. However, occasionally a special snack may be offered so it is important to let us know about any food allergies or dietary restrictions your child might have.
What if my child needs me during the service?
When registering your child in the nursery, you will be given the option to use one of our beepers or to leave your mobile phone number for texting. The Twos & Threes uses mobile numbers for texting if you are needed.
Does St. Paul’s do ministry in the summer with the children?
Yes! Mark your calendar for our Vacation Bible School. It is a great week of learning and ministry. Watch the bulletin or website for information about registering your child or partnering in this ministry.
Can I bring my child to class if we are late?
Certainly. While we encourage you to bring your children on time each week, we do accept kids at any time. However, for the most learning opportunity and assimilation, it benefits your child to be present when the class starts.
Children's Ministry Committee
- Julia Rang
- Lona Youderian
- Joe Moon
- John Hill
- Mary Margaret Sutton
- Abby Cali (chair)

Contact Abby Cali
Abby is the children's ministry director and the chair of the Children's Ministry Committee. She can answer any questions about this ministry or connect you with opportunities to get involved.
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